Statystyki i znaczenie imienia Kuiken

Użycie: 5% imię, 95% nazwisko.
Imię Kuiken zostało odnalezione 46 razy w 2 różnych krajach. (USA,Canada)
Nazwisko Kuiken zostało użyte co najmniej 818 razy w co najmniej 11 krajach.

      Surname Kuiken
Nadane imiona
Andrew Kuiken (3)
Jeroen Kuiken (2)
Paul Kuiken (2)
Magdalena Kuiken (1)
Johanna Kuiken (1)
Lammert Kuiken (1)
Robert Kuiken (1)
Rommie Kuiken (1)
Johannes Kuiken (1)
Wilhelm Kuiken (1)
Gerda Kuiken (1)
Pieter Kuiken (1)
Annette Kuiken (1)
Doug Kuiken (1)
Wayne Kuiken (1)
Ryan Kuiken (1)
Dennis Kuiken (1)
John Kuiken (1)
Ate Kuiken (1)
Alida Kuiken (1)
Jacob Kuiken (1)
Barton Kuiken (1)
Jake Kuiken (1)
Jan Kuiken (1)

Kuiken Van (1)

Kuiken   Kuiken   

Kuiken pisany od tyłu to Nekiuk
Imię zawiera 6 liter - 50.00% samogłosek and 50.00% spółgłosek.

Anagramy: Ukkine Nukeik Ikuekn Knikeu Uikenk
Rymy: Kuyken Kujken Kueken Kuikena Kiuken Kuikne Kuiekn

Rhymes: Aiken liken Heineken Mencken Milken awaken brougham ruin lumen loosen gluten

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Hendrik Klaas Kuiken says: My great-great-grandfather, Remmelt Kuiken, was born in 1806 in Drachten in the South East of the Dutch province of Friesland. At the time of his birth he and his parents had no surname, a common practice among simple folk in Germanic lands. Remmelt was just called Reinszoon after his father Rein. On the order of Napolean Bonaparte who ruled these lands in those days every family had to select a surname and they chose Kuiken which simply means the young of a chicken. People simply laughed at Napoleons edicts and expected it to blow over after he and his army had been deposed. Napoleon left all right, but many of his excellent measures remained and the name stuck.There are families in the Netherlands at the present time with names as "Born naked" or "Red prick". I hope this is appreciated and illuminating. Regards, Hendrik K. Kuiken Veldhoven The Netherlands

Ta strona została odwiedzona w następujących krajach: United States Netherlands Brazil Germany Canada Belgium Switzerland United Kingdom Thailand Europe


Znane osoby: Attje Harma Kuiken

Pisarze: Folkert Kuiken, Kathryn Kuiken, Don Kuiken, Jack C. VanKuiken, Claris Van Kuiken, G. D. C. Kuiken, H. K. Kuiken

Książki: "'n Hennetjie met kuikens"

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