Statystyki i znaczenie imienia Glenice

Użycie: 95% imię, 5% nazwisko.
Imię Glenice zostało odnalezione 902 razy w 7 różnych krajach.
Nazwisko Glenice zostało użyte co najmniej 45 razy w co najmniej 1 krajach. (USA)
Imię jest pochodzenia Welsh.
Imię Glenice jest w 100% żeńskie i w 0% męskie.


Given name Glenice
Glenice Gradinski (2)
Glenice Breaden (2)
Glenice Allison (2)
Glenice Eatherton (2)
Glenice Partlow (2)
Glenice Dagostine (2)
Glenice Whitebrook (2)
Glenice Mcpartling (1)
Glenice Bowers (1)
Glenice Brimble (1)
Glenice Davey (1)
Glenice Hoffmann (1)
Glenice Hufton (1)
Glenice Millen (1)
Glenice Haile (1)
Glenice Goldsmith (1)
Glenice Derbyshire (1)
Glenice Medici (1)
Glenice Beighton (1)
Glenice Wagler (1)
Glenice Leighton (1)
Glenice Grumbridge (1)
Glenice Koren (1)
Glenice Morphey (1)
Glenice Kaczmarski (1)
Glenice Kaucher (1)
Glenice Jessop (1)
Glenice Loveitt (1)
Glenice Freestone (1)
Glenice Barraclough (1)
Glenice Machin (1)
Glenice Macgill (1)
Glenice Skelton (1)
Glenice Isaac (1)
Glenice Moon (1)
Glenice Setohy (1)
Glenice Stallard (1)
Glenice Davy (1)
Glenice Sargeant (1)
Glenice Stapleton (1)
Glenice Chimes (1)
Glenice Symcox (1)
Glenice Syson (1)
Glenice Woolliscroft (1)
Glenice Yates (1)
Glenice Willden (1)
Glenice Wooldridge (1)
Glenice Sprigg (1)
Glenice Whittaker (1)
Glenice Shearn (1)
Glenice Wignall (1)
Glenice Thackeray (1)
Glenice Tooby (1)
Glenice Somers (1)
Glenice Redfearn (1)
Glenice Joy (1)
Glenice Purr (1)
Glenice Waite (1)
Glenice Watkins (1)
Glenice Bednall (1)
Glenice Redihough (1)
Glenice Power (1)
Glenice Ofori (1)
Glenice Winterton (1)
Glenice Moakes (1)
Glenice Littlejohn (1)
Glenice Beck (1)
Glenice Bendib (1)
Glenice Baugh (1)
Glenice Bagley (1)
Glenice Sagar (1)
Glenice Shannon (1)
Glenice Rider (1)
Glenice Cabey (1)
Glenice Channon (1)
Glenice Clift (1)
Glenice Chad (1)
Glenice Brewer (1)
Glenice Cadet (1)
Glenice Callender (1)
Glenice Pringle (1)
Glenice Makin (1)
Glenice Ross (1)
Glenice Sveinson (1)
Glenice Lohnes (1)
Glenice DeLorme (1)
Glenice Newsham (1)
Glenice Johnson (1)
Glenice Adkin (1)
Glenice Berti (1)
Glenice Haystead (1)
Glenice Lodge (1)
Glenice Gollings (1)
Glenice Fairchild (1)
Glenice Clapperton (1)
Glenice Collindridge (1)
Glenice Cotton (1)
Glenice Hutton (1)
Glenice Gladwin (1)
Glenice Honour (1)
Glenice Hardwicke (1)
Glenice Gidman (1)
Glenice Larty (1)
Glenice Kingsmith (1)
Glenice Peckmore (1)
Glenice Lamberti (1)
Glenice Olsen (1)
Glenice Jack (1)
Glenice Holvey (1)
Glenice Ricketts (1)
Glenice Eastham (1)
Glenice Whieldon (1)
Glenice Ferrill (1)
Glenice Everett (1)
Glenice Ind (1)
Glenice Downing (1)
Glenice Daley (1)
Glenice Richold (1)
Glenice Crumbleholme (1)
Glenice Dodsworth (1)
Glenice Downs (1)
Glenice Jameson (1)
Glenice Emery (1)
Glenice Hemms (1)
Glenice Brind (1)
Glenice Varney (1)
Glenice Battaloglu (1)


Glenice pisany od tyłu to Ecinelg
Imię zawiera 7 liter - 42.86% samogłosek and 57.14% spółgłosek.

Anagramy: Gelenci Nielceg Nilgece Leencig Elgenci Eclieng Ceignel
Rymy: Glenyce Glenjce Glenece Glenicea Gelnice Gleniec Glencie

Rhymes: Berenice Venice Bernice Eunice Janice colonise release grease niece caprice

Znaczenie imienia Glenice to: Clean; fair; holy
Ta strona została odwiedzona w następujących krajach: United States Australia United Kingdom Canada Germany Nigeria France New Zealand Bahamas Thailand Iraq Israel Guyana Serbia Mexico


Pisarze: Glenice Crossland, Glenice Watson, Glenice Yee, Glenice Moore, Glenice Aiken, Glenice Hollis Saddler, Glenice M. Castles, Glenice Moore-Nickel, Glenice Upton Boyd, Glenice M. Nickel, Glenice Lesley Matthews

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