Statystyki i znaczenie imienia Antalfy
Użycie: 7% imię, 93% nazwisko.
Imię Antalfy zostało odnalezione 1 razy w 1 różnych krajach. (Hungary)
Nazwisko Antalfy zostało użyte co najmniej 12 razy w co najmniej 5 krajach.
Nadane imiona
Attila Antalfy (2) Margit Antalfy (1) Kerstin Antalfy (1) Laszlo Antalfy (1) Istvan Antalfy (1) Botond Antalfy (1) Stephen Antalfy (1) |
Nazwiska Antalfy Csertone (1) |
Antalfy pisany od tyłu to Yflatna
Imię zawiera 7 liter - 42.86% samogłosek and 57.14% spółgłosek.
Anagramy: Atnyafl Alnayft Anatylf Ntyafla Lytaafn Ynatafl Fylaatn
Rymy: Ontalfy Antalfi Antalfya Atnalfy Antalyf Antafly
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Antalfy Csanád says: Hello, I am from the Szerda-szent-Annai Antalfy family and have some information that may help with the origins of the name. The name originated during the 20th century some time after the Second World War in the eastern block. This was due to the original name of Antalffy what is distinct noble surname thanks to its double ff what is common in Hungarian nobility. This resulted in the need to change the surname after the rise of communism in countries like Hungary and Romania due to the persecution of people with such surnames. The name and heritage of the noble family continues on today as we still have the family estate in our known family and I am the heir to the family crest under the original rules what are still in use that being the first male son of the first male son and ect. Also there are two different family’s that used to and do use Antalffy. One of the family’s are us the Szerda-Szent-Annai Antalffy/Antalfy family and the other being a family that is not related to us. It is also really difficult to find records since most of all records were lost what means there is no good way to find things out about the Szerda-Szent-Annai Antalfy family. The only place I have found information on the matter is in a book we own what gives information on all noble Hungarian family’s from A-O I think. Just to add the definition and records on are totally off and are not at all acurrate. This is a small summary of the information what I have gathered here and I do have an image of the crest of that can help. I hope this information can help out people with the surname and also people who are interested in the matter.
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